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Discover the rejuvenating power of Xeomin at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa. Our expert team harnesses this revolutionary treatment to smooth wrinkles, delivering a youthful and refreshed appearance. Embrace a new, confident you with our effective, non-surgical solutions.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her face
a woman is touching her eyebrow with her finger

What is Xeomin?

At No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, we use Xeomin, a clinically proven injectable treatment, to reduce frown lines and other signs of aging. Xeomin works by temporarily relaxing the muscles, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. It's an effective non-surgical alternative to facelifts, offering visible results with minimal downtime. 

Our skilled practitioners work meticulously to target just the right areas, ensuring a natural and rejuvenating outcome. Opt for our Xeomin treatment and take the first step towards a fresher, brighter you. The path to a confident self begins here.

a woman is getting an injection in her forehead under a magnifying glass
a woman in a white robe is looking at her face in the mirror

Our Xeomin Treatment Process

Personal Consultation

We begin with a complimentary consultation where our skilled practitioners discuss your aesthetic goals and assess your facial structure. We ensure to understand your expectations and explain how Xeomin can help achieve them.

Tailored Treatment Plan

Based on your specific needs and goals, we create a tailored treatment plan. This involves identifying the precise injection sites on your face to ensure natural-looking results and provide maximum effectiveness of the Xeomin treatment.

Professional Procedure

Our advanced nurse injectors administer the Xeomin treatment with the utmost precision and care. The procedure is quick, minimally invasive and requires no downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately.

the Rewards of

Xeomin Treatment

Experience a remarkable transformation with Xeomin, a cutting-edge solution to combat visible signs of aging. This non-surgical treatment effectively smoothens wrinkles and frown lines, offering a fresher, more youthful appearance. With minimal downtime, it’s an ideal choice for those leading busy lifestyles. Xeomin delivers natural-looking results, subtly enhancing your inherent beauty without dramatically altering your facial structure. 

As well as boosting your external appearance, Xeomin fosters improved self-confidence, empowering you to feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside. Embrace a revitalized you with our Xeomin treatment at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa.

a man with a beard is getting a botox injection in his forehead
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face
a man with a beard is getting a botox injection in his forehead
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face

Your Post-Treatment Care with Xeomin

Following your Xeomin treatment at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, minimal aftercare is required. However, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol, and exposure to heat for at least 4 hours post-treatment. It's also advisable to keep your head elevated and refrain from massaging or applying pressure to the treated areas to prevent the product from spreading to unintended muscles. 

Any minor redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites usually subsides within a few days. Our team will provide you with comprehensive post-treatment instructions to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery.

a woman smiles while touching her face in front of a mirror
a woman is getting an injection in her eye
a woman smiles while touching her face in front of a mirror
a woman is getting an injection in her eye


At No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, we believe that informed clients make the best decisions. That's why we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about our Xeomin treatment to provide you with comprehensive insight.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • When can I expect to see the results of my Xeomin treatment?

    After receiving a Xeomin treatment at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, the initial signs of improvement can be noticed within just 3-4 days. Full results, however, usually take about two weeks to fully manifest. 

    Everyone's body responds uniquely to the treatment - typically, you can expect the rejuvenating effects to last between 3 to 4 months. The duration of the results can be influenced by several factors including your age, your overall lifestyle, the condition of your skin, and your muscle activity. 

    To maintain a consistent youthful glow and refreshed appearance, we recommend scheduling routine maintenance treatments. This will allow you to continuously enjoy the Xeomin benefits, keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay.

  • Can I combine Xeomin with other treatments?

    Absolutely, combining Xeomin with other treatments can frequently yield broader, more holistic results. Your individual aesthetic goals and requirements play a crucial role in determining if a combination approach is right for you. 

    We might suggest complementing Xeomin injections with dermal fillers for enhanced volume, HIFU ultrasound for non-surgical skin lifting and tightening, or medical-grade facials for optimum skin health. This comprehensive approach aids in achieving a fully rejuvenated, fresh-faced look. 

    Our highly skilled practitioners at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa are dedicated to curating a customized treatment plan specifically for you. They will guide you through the entire process, ensuring your journey towards renewed beauty is smooth and satisfying.

  • Who is a good candidate for Xeomin?

    Xeomin is an excellent solution for individuals desiring a youthful lift without the complications of surgery. This treatment effectively mitigates moderate to severe frown lines, serving as a swift, minimally invasive answer to the tell-tale signs of aging. 

    It's particularly beneficial for those who need a quick procedure with immediate results. However, Xeomin isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Its suitability can differ based on factors like your skin type, age, and past medical history. 

    To ensure you get the best out of this treatment, our team conducts a thorough initial consultation. During this session, we evaluate if Xeomin aligns with your unique needs and aesthetic goals, crafting a personalized approach to your rejuvenation journey.

Ready to Refresh Your Look?

Take the first step towards a more youthful, confident you with our Xeomin treatment. At No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, we're here to guide you on your journey to rejuvenation. Don't let lines define you. Book your complimentary consultation today and say goodbye to wrinkles.

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