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Platelet Rich Plasma

Experience the power of your body's own healing properties with our Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa. This breakthrough therapy stimulates natural collagen production, rejuvenating your skin for a youthful, healthy glow. Explore a new era of age-defying possibilities with us.

a woman getting an injection in her face with a syringe
a woman is getting an injection in her hair

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a state-of-the-art treatment that harnesses the healing power of your own blood. By extracting, concentrating and reintroducing your platelets, PRP stimulates collagen production and tissue regeneration for a revitalized, younger-looking skin. It’s a natural way to combat signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and volume loss, as well as hair loss. 

At No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, our skilled team uses the latest technology to ensure you get the most out of your PRP treatment. Renew your youthful vibrancy and embrace the skin you’re in with PRP.

a woman is getting an injection in her face
a woman with her hands on her chin looks at the camera

Our PRP Treatment Process

Blood Extraction

We begin the treatment by extracting a small amount of your blood, similar to a routine blood test. This is done in a sterile and comfortable environment, ensuring you feel at ease throughout the process.

Platelet Separation

The extracted blood is then placed in a centrifuge, which spins at high speed to separate the platelets from other components. These concentrated platelets form the Platelet Rich Plasma, rich in growth factors.

PRP Application

The PRP is carefully injected back into targeted areas of your skin or scalp. This initiates a natural healing process, promoting collagen production and tissue regeneration for a youthful, revitalized appearance.

Experience the Power of PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a groundbreaking treatment that unlocks your body's own rejuvenating powers. By enhancing collagen production, PRP helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, giving your skin a firmer, younger look. It also boosts hair growth by strengthening hair follicles, making it an effective treatment for hair loss. 

With minimal side effects, it’s a natural alternative to surgical procedures. Experience the transformative benefits of PRP at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa and see how this revolutionary therapy can bring out your inner radiance and confidence. Rediscover your youth with us.

a woman in pink gloves is giving a prp injection
a man is getting  a prp injection on his face by a doctor
a woman in pink gloves is giving a prp injection
a man is getting  a prp injection on his face by a doctor

Post-Treatment Care for Platelet Rich Plasma

After your PRP treatment at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, it's essential to take proper care of the treated areas. Avoid rigorous physical activity, exposure to sun, and alcohol for at least 24 hours post-treatment. You might notice slight redness or swelling, but these symptoms will usually subside within a few days. 

Make sure to keep the skin clean and moisturized, avoiding harsh products. Drinking plenty of water can also aid the healing process. Remember, each person's healing process is unique, so if you have any concerns, our team is always available to provide guidance and support.

a woman is smiling while sitting in a chair
a woman is getting an injection in her hair
a woman is smiling while sitting in a chair
a woman is getting an injection in her hair


Your comfort and understanding are paramount to us at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa. Below, we've answered some of the most common questions we receive about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments. 

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • Is PRP treatment suitable for everyone?

    While Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a safe and effective treatment for most people seeking to rejuvenate their skin or stimulate hair growth, it may not be suitable for everyone. 

    Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as blood disorders, cancer, liver disease, or skin diseases, might not be ideal candidates for PRP. Additionally, those currently on anticoagulant therapy may not be able to undergo PRP treatment. 

    As safety is our top priority at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa, we thoroughly assess each client's health history during the consultation. It's essential to disclose your complete medical background during this session, so we can determine if PRP therapy is the right choice for you.

  • When will I start seeing results from PRP treatment?

    PRP therapy works by triggering your body's innate healing mechanisms. As such, the results don't appear overnight but develop gradually over time. Within several weeks following the initial treatment, you may begin to observe subtle enhancements in the texture and overall quality of your skin. 

    Nevertheless, the most dramatic transformations generally surface after a series of treatment sessions. This is because Platelet Rich Plasma injections stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that contributes significantly to the firmness and elasticity of your skin. 

    However, collagen regeneration is a process that takes time. It is crucial to be patient and understand that the journey to rejuvenated, healthier skin is not instantaneous with PRP therapy but a gradual, rewarding process.

  • Can PRP treatment be combined with other procedures?

    Indeed, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an extremely versatile treatment that can be safely combined with a wide range of non-invasive aesthetic procedures. These could include treatments like microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser therapies

    This combination approach allows us to tailor a comprehensive skin rejuvenation plan that suits your unique needs and aspirations. When these treatments are performed together, they work synergistically, enhancing each other's effectiveness and accelerating your results. This means you can achieve your skin goals quicker and enjoy longer-lasting results. 

    However, the right combination and sequence of treatments will depend on your specific skin type and condition, something our expert team at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa can guide you through in your personalized consultation.

Embrace Ageless Beauty with PRP

Ready to rejuvenate your skin and stimulate natural hair growth? Trust the healing power of your own body with Platelet Rich Plasma treatments at No More Wrinkles Medical Spa. Book your complimentary consultation today and begin your journey towards a more radiant, youthful appearance. Your transformation awaits!

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